4 ways to help prepare for a business sale
When it comes to selling a business there are numerous stages, which can prove time consuming and can create an additional burden of stress on the selling party. This is the last thing a business owner will need whilst simultaneously trying to maintain an efficient...
10 Top Tips – To help you and your solicitor when buying and selling a property
Buying and Selling property is a complicated and time consuming process. It requires the involvement of numerous parties and requires the consideration of complex land laws. We have set out below our 10 top tips to assist you to get to grips with the process as...
Summary of the proposed reforms to the Private Rental sector
It is a minefield for both Landlords and Tenants, as to what their respective rights are. I thought it would be useful to set out a summary of some of the current changes a foot in the private rental sector, particularly given that twice this week I have read...